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183 cm   |   Eyes: Blue   |   Hair: ... difficult to say

That was the end of the famous, warm Polish winter of 1954 and at the same time the beginning of the no less well-known Cold War, when Roman Frankl made the first attempt to be born. He only half succeeded. But somehow yes.


He started speaking when he was one year old and in a language that is not exactly one of the easiest. 


At the age of 3 he started to stay on the water surface in summer and on the snow surface in winter. 


At the age of 5 he tormented his grandfather's piano for the first time, who died shortly afterwards. 


He started disliking school when he was 6.  


At 14 he composed his first songs.


At 18 he threw himself into the world of theater as a student at the State Higher Theater School in Kraków. 


At 22 he was suddenly an MA in Art, whatever that means.


After that, an unparalleled, 8-year, great phase of his life adventure began: Dramatic Theater in Warsaw. At the same time, film, cabaret and TV appearances happened.


At the age of 23 he got his own TV show: "The Man For All Seasons".  


At 24 he recorded his first LP. 


At the age of 26 he began to marry.


Getting divorced at 27. 


At 30 he made the decision to leave his homeland, which resulted in being forced to speak, understand and write German. A language that is also not one of the simplest.


Despite the - under these circumstances - almost hopeless situation, he soon played theater again, with which he tirelessly earned his money for the next 39 years.  


At 32 he was doing what he was doing when he was 26. 


At 33 he became a father for the first time: Jan.


At 38 for the second time: Mark.


At 45 he started writing... and writing... and writing.


At 60 he was doing what he was doing when he was 27.


At 60.5 he started being happy and relaxed.


At the age of 63 he became a grandfather for the first time: Levi.


At 64 he was doing what he was doing at 26 and 32.


In the same year he became grandpa for the second time: Lilly. 


At the age of 65, the first pension transfer suddenly came to his bank account out of nowhere.


A day later he spent the money.


And now?... Now he's so busy as an actor and writer that he'll probably die on stage or in the front of the camera. 

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